Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Norah's First Day of Pre-School!

Norah was thrilled to start "school" like sister! She picked out her own clothes, decided she NEEDED to bring a back pack and was ready for me to leave as soon as we walked in the door. She loves ALL of her teachers! Teacher Deanna greets her every morning, but many high school students are in and out during the day to play with the kids. She has already brought home MANY paintings and loves playing outside. "I am practicing my monkey bars so I can do them at the park by our house mommy!" She also knows a song about an apple trees you shake and the apples taste yummy - I almost caught her singing it tonight - but she won't perform it for us! She only has one other little girl in her class and LOTS of boys....after one week she told me..... "I did play with Lilyblue today." (Yes that really is her name!) Anyway, she loves it and thinks it neat that it's right by daddy classroom!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Abigail's First Day of First Grade!

She started the day at 5:15 with unbelieveable enthusiasm. She proceeded to talk NON-STOP the rest of the morning......driving me crazy!!!!! I couldn't help but laugh at her, I do remember being very excited for my first day of school, it's just more exhausting being on the parent side of things.
She had a wonderful day in Mrs. McElroy's class, she told me all about her: S.H.A.R.K. folder "that has all the important things in it", how getting a RED card is bad and "You have to go to the focus room for like 5 minutes and DO NOTHING!", how she got 4 recesses but no PE "When do we start PE mom?" But my favorite of all was when I asked, "Did you make any new friends today Abigail." She responds, "Well not technically." So I asked, "Did you learn any new names of kids in your class?" She responds, "Well not technically." (I'm trying not to laugh in the front seat) Then she asks, "Mom, what does not technically mean?" That' s Abigail for you! Reading Anne of Green Gables is already explanding her out!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quick Update!

August 21st - Brett and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. Grandpa and Grandma kept the girls over night! We enjoyed a delicious brunch at a winery outside of Salem, outlet mall shopping, Bingo with our good friends Bryan and Kelli and a GOOD night sleep! What an amazing 10 years - filled with joys and challenges - and we are very grateful for the MANY blessing we have received from God!

August 26th - Margo decided not to walk the Portland Marathon in October. Instead deciding to walking the Seattle 1/2 Marathon in November. I will set a time goal in the next few weeks once I adjust to working on speed not distance!

August 31st - Brett and I headed back to work. This week was filled with meetings, frustration and a little excitement for the upcoming school year. I will now be working five days a week! (Monday/Wednesday/Friday for only 4 hours in the morning and Tuesday Thursday for 6 hours.) Should be an interesting schedule!! Brett is starting the year with a student teacher, which is great but requires a lot for more work for him! Needless to say we were VERY tired last night and are relaxing at home today!

What's coming?? THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Watch for pictures and details about Abigail starting 1st grade (she got a letter from her teacher today!) and Norah starting pre-school! It will be so exciting!!