Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 3: Baking and The Clatsop County Fair

Abigail and Norah baking pretzels with Oma:

Cinnamon & Sugar and Garlic & Cheese!

Isaiah, Norah, and Abigail painting the mural at the fair!

The 1 ride the girls went on at the fair!

It started out as a slightly cloudy morning, but then the SUN CAME OUT!! (I know - totally shocking as we are, let me remind you, still in Astoria!!!) The girls had a productive and relaxing morning. We baked 4 loaves of zucchini bread (we have enough grated for at least two more) from the HUGE zucchini we harvested prior to leaving. The girls also made some yummy homemade soft prezels. They dipped some in cinnamon & sugar and others in garlic & parmesan. It was a little messy and a LOT fun =)!
After lunch we headed to the Clatsop County Fair with Sabrina and her kids. The kids made masks, fish and helped paint a mural in the free kids craft area. Isaiah was super brave and rode the mechanical bull - he did a GREAT job. We also saw "Best in Show - Swine", the girls were unusually interested for about 40 minutes....not sure what to make of that! We enjoyed the petting zoo, lots of animals to interact with. We finished the trip with one (yes 1) ride at the carnival. It cost $3.50 for each girl to go on a ride, I guess that's not terrible, but a lot of money for a short ride. The girls selected a tilt-a-whirl type ride. They LOVED it, so it ended the trip on a fantastic note.
We then took a drive down memory lane. Everything looked the same, but a little better. The trees had grown up where they logged years ago and most of the houses were fixed up and looking great. My old house, on the other had, was a wreck! Pretty sad to see, but I did enjoy the memories it brought back. It was fun to share with the girls and show them a little bit of my past! We end the day just relaxing and watching a little tv.....

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